Good bye scissor f***
Idol paper doll
Stenciled into shape
Loneliness escape
Lies tab fold dress
Decorate your mess
with sparkling fools gold
Heart pit-patter skips
Paper cut my lips to kiss salt
f*** me, my fake
Your soul spins on axis self centered like a whoring tornado
Your soul spins on axis self centered like a whoring tornado
Scissor f*** paper doll
Scissor f*** paper doll
Scissor f*** paper doll
Ripped to Shreds
Like sniffing fairy dust high
to fake the feeling of a rhythm to your folded heart
My big lie
This fog surrounds me
'til I'm choking and desperate
Reaching out to extinguish these feelings
Reaching out to a sincere mirage
Keep stuffing your face
Keep stuffing your face
like a vulture on suicide
Keep stuffing your face
Folding, creasing origami into
dotted line o***** guide
me falling for this b****
this drug
this curse
this emptying clasp
this delusion
Your soul spins on axis self centered like a w****
Scissor f*** paper doll
Scissor f*** paper doll
Idol paper doll
Stenciled into shape
Loneliness escape
Lies tab fold dress
Decorate your mess
with sparkling fools gold
Heart pit-patter skips
Paper cut my lips to kiss salt
f*** me, my fake
Your soul spins on axis self centered like a whoring tornado
Your soul spins on axis self centered like a whoring tornado
Scissor f*** paper doll
Scissor f*** paper doll
Scissor f*** paper doll
Ripped to Shreds
Like sniffing fairy dust high
to fake the feeling of a rhythm to your folded heart
My big lie
This fog surrounds me
'til I'm choking and desperate
Reaching out to extinguish these feelings
Reaching out to a sincere mirage
Keep stuffing your face
Keep stuffing your face
like a vulture on suicide
Keep stuffing your face
Folding, creasing origami into
dotted line o***** guide
me falling for this b****
this drug
this curse
this emptying clasp
this delusion
Your soul spins on axis self centered like a w****
Scissor f*** paper doll
Scissor f*** paper doll