Order of Ennead Letras
An Examination of Being
The Concept of Our Extinction
The Scriptures of Purification
Lies Upon the Lips of Judas
This Mortal Journey
...In the Mirror
An Examination of Being
Conduits to Eternity
A Portal to Rapture
A Betrayal of Self
Order of Ennead
Seeking the Prophets
Reflection, an Endless Endeavor
As Long as I Have Myself I Am Not Alone
Introspection and the Loss of Denial
Conferring With Demons
As If a Rose I Wither
Interlude With Reason
A Cry to the Perilous Sun
Prelude to Ruin
Dismantling an Empire
...In the Mirror
A Betrayal of Self
A Cry to the Perilous Sun
A Portal to Rapture
An Examination of Being
As If a Rose I Wither
As Long as I Have Myself I Am Not Alone
Conduits to Eternity
Conferring With Demons
Dismantling an Empire
Introspection and the Loss of Denial
Lies Upon the Lips of Judas
Seeking the Prophets
The Concept of Our Extinction
The Scriptures of Purification
This Mortal Journey