Meredith Monk Letras

  1. Greensleeves
  2. Nota
  3. Duet for Voice and Echoplex
  4. Candy Bullets and Moon
  5. Trance
  6. Epic I
  7. Paris
  8. Biography
  9. Mill
  10. The Tale
  11. Quarry Weave
  12. Epic II
  13. Tower
  14. Mill
  15. Do You Be?
  16. Quarry Procession
  17. Porch
Dolmen Music
  1. Gotham Lullaby
  2. Travelling
  3. The Tale
  4. Biography
  5. Dolmen Music: A. Overture and Men's Conclave / B. Wa-Ohs / C. Rain / D. Pine Tree Lullaby / E. Calls / F. Conclusion