walking under light of moon
searching for the final key
open the door to the other side
where darkness will embrace my soul
quest for the infernal grail
chalice of all unlight
horns of the one true god
under five pointed star
bring to pass all that unnamed
bring to life all those unborn
bring to might all those uncrowned
under the pentagram
the pentagram
these are now my final deeds
as i await to be reborn
my soul now one with blackened might
free now of this mortal coil
an endless night i now await
horns of goat worn as crown
under five pointed star
under the pentagram
the pentagram
searching for the final key
open the door to the other side
where darkness will embrace my soul
quest for the infernal grail
chalice of all unlight
horns of the one true god
under five pointed star
bring to pass all that unnamed
bring to life all those unborn
bring to might all those uncrowned
under the pentagram
the pentagram
these are now my final deeds
as i await to be reborn
my soul now one with blackened might
free now of this mortal coil
an endless night i now await
horns of goat worn as crown
under five pointed star
under the pentagram
the pentagram