Maddy Prior and The Carnival Band Letras

Hang Up Sorrow & Care
  1. The Prodigal's Resolution
  2. Playford Tunes
  3. The World Is Turned Upside Down
  4. The Jovial Begger (Yes Spelt Er)
  5. The Leathern Bottel
  6. Iantha (instrumental)
  7. An Thou Were My Ain Thing
  8. Oh! That I Had but a Fine Man
  9. Now O Now I Needs Must Part
  10. Man Is for the Woman Made
  11. A Northern Catch / Little Barley Corne
  12. Granny's Delight / My Lady Foster's Delight (instrumental)
  13. A Round of Three Country Dances in One
  14. Youth's the Season Made for Joys
  15. In the Days of My Youth
  16. Never Weatherbeaten Saile
  17. Old Simon the King
Carols & Capers
  1. The Boar's Head
  2. Away in a Manger
  3. My Dancing Day
  4. Monsieur Charpentier's Christmas Stomp
  5. See Amid the Winter's Snow
  6. A Boy Was Born
  7. Poor Little Jesus
  8. Turkey in the Straw / Whiskey Before Breakfast
  9. Wassail!
  10. Joy to the World
  11. Cradle Song
  12. Shepherds Rejoice
  13. Old Joe Clark
  14. Ane Sang of the Birth of Christ
  15. Monsieur Charpentier's Christmas Swing
  16. Quem Pastores
  17. While Shepherds Watched
  18. I Saw Three Ships
Sing l***ily & With Good Courage
  1. Who Would True Valour See
  2. Rejoice Ye Shining Worlds
  3. O Thou Who Camest From Above
  4. Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending
  5. How Firm a Foundation
  6. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
  7. As Pants the Hart
  8. The God of Abraham Praise
  9. Instrumental: The Twenty-Ninth of May
  10. Light of the World
  11. All Hail the Pow'r of Jesus' Name
  12. Lord, in the Morning
  13. Away With Our Sorrow and Care
  14. Christ the Lord Is Ris'n Today
  15. O Worship the King
  16. And Can It Be?