apathy, bleeding its way through me
nothing explodes into something so delicate
fragile I can't see what it will eventually be
dust seems to settle in circles surrounding
a rhythm that's pounding and sinewaves inherently
float through serenity
silence can't shatter a void filled with matter
closer together and gravity melts what is soaring in belts
time moving faster a sun burning out in this chaos I wake up inside
of me wanting to break me free
make some sense of this chaos, some sense of the dark, make some sense
of my thoughts getting colder, my heart growing older
Welcome to myality
I have written deceit like a story in me just to find that the rivers I float on stand still in between my reflection, the mirror my eyes seem to pierce through a fever that colors my world I can tell you the words that I've spoken, the boundaries I've broken to get to the state that I'm in As I'm turning a page on my darkness I'm hyperreceptive A motion that slows down within.
craving tomorrow alone with the world late at night and my thoughts only bounce of the walls
I am answering my calls
I'm a deaf man a dead man afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of my shadow, afraid of the gallows my mind has drawn
Where's the break of dawn, where is the morning sun, where is where I run eyes going grey as my presence erases
something implodes into nothing so delicate fragile I can't see what it will eventually be
apathy, bleeding its way through me
I have written deceit like a story in me just to find that the rivers I float on stand still in between my reflection, the mirror my eyes seem to pierce through a fever that colors my world I can tell you the words that I've spoken, the boundaries I've broken to get to the state that I'm in As I'm turning a page on my darkness I'm hyperreceptive A motion that slows down within. I just linger I hover I sever my ties, going out in the open I fall down I cry I believe in my failure, I sentence myself, I get up every morning, forgetting again how to breath in a moment, eternally lost like a secret unspoken the words that I've crossed I will cover my traces, will whisper my thoughts there will never be proof of the wars that I've fought.
nothing explodes into something so delicate
fragile I can't see what it will eventually be
dust seems to settle in circles surrounding
a rhythm that's pounding and sinewaves inherently
float through serenity
silence can't shatter a void filled with matter
closer together and gravity melts what is soaring in belts
time moving faster a sun burning out in this chaos I wake up inside
of me wanting to break me free
make some sense of this chaos, some sense of the dark, make some sense
of my thoughts getting colder, my heart growing older
Welcome to myality
I have written deceit like a story in me just to find that the rivers I float on stand still in between my reflection, the mirror my eyes seem to pierce through a fever that colors my world I can tell you the words that I've spoken, the boundaries I've broken to get to the state that I'm in As I'm turning a page on my darkness I'm hyperreceptive A motion that slows down within.
craving tomorrow alone with the world late at night and my thoughts only bounce of the walls
I am answering my calls
I'm a deaf man a dead man afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of my shadow, afraid of the gallows my mind has drawn
Where's the break of dawn, where is the morning sun, where is where I run eyes going grey as my presence erases
something implodes into nothing so delicate fragile I can't see what it will eventually be
apathy, bleeding its way through me
I have written deceit like a story in me just to find that the rivers I float on stand still in between my reflection, the mirror my eyes seem to pierce through a fever that colors my world I can tell you the words that I've spoken, the boundaries I've broken to get to the state that I'm in As I'm turning a page on my darkness I'm hyperreceptive A motion that slows down within. I just linger I hover I sever my ties, going out in the open I fall down I cry I believe in my failure, I sentence myself, I get up every morning, forgetting again how to breath in a moment, eternally lost like a secret unspoken the words that I've crossed I will cover my traces, will whisper my thoughts there will never be proof of the wars that I've fought.