
I'll Leave the Bottle on the Bar Lyrics

There ain't no chain strong enough to hold me
There ain't no breeze big enough to slow me
I never have seen a river that's too wide
There ain't no jail tight enough to lock me
There ain't no man big enough to stop me
I'll be there if you ever want me by your side

Love me if you're ever gonna love me
I never have seen a road too rough to ride
There ain't no jail tight enough to lock me
There ain't no man big enough to stop me
I'll be there if you ever want me by your side

There ain't no ropes tight enough to bind me
Look for me honey and you'll find me
Anytime you're ready with your charms

I'll be there ready and a waitin'
There won't be any hesitatin'
I'll be there if you ever want me by your side
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Mr. Hag Told My Story (1981)
Turnin' Off a Memory I've Got a Yearning Carolyn I'll Leave the Bottle on the Bar All Night Lady I Can't Hold Myself in Line Yesterday's News Just Hit Home Today You Don't Have Very Far to Go No More You and Me Someone Told My Story