
Friday Night Blues Lyrics

He's been work-in' all week, he's got men-tal fa-tigue
and that old couch sure looks fine
All week he's been gone, she's been sit-tin' a-lone
slow-ly go-in' out of her mind
As he kicks off his shoes for the six o-clock news
she's get-tin' all pret-tied up
oh, she's want-in' to boo-gie, he's want-in' to lay there
she's got the Fri-day Night Blues
Oh those Fri-day Night Blues they get in your shoes,
and they work to get you down
Oh, and there ain't a la-dy that I ever knew
who didn't need her night on the town
But the hills and the bills and a week's worth of deals
has got him feel-in' used
Oh, he's kick-in' his shoes off, she's put-tin' her's on
she's got the Fri-day Night Blues.
Oh,there once was a time, she was top of the line
her nights like teen-age dreams
Now it's op-'ras at noon, danc-in' 'round with her broom
talk-in' to the wash-in' ma-chine
Oh, the girl down the street says her husband is neat
and she makes it sound so true
Now she's feel-in' lone-ly thinks she's the on-ly
One with the Fri-day Night Blues
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Friday Night Blues (1980)
Friday Night Blues Honky Tonk Toys She Can't Say That Anymore Old Fashioned Love Misery Loves Company Let's Get Married Again When I'm Out of You We Belong In Love Tonight Always True What I Had With You