
Jesus Joy of Man's Desiring Lyrics

Je-su, joy of man's de-sir-ing,
Ho--ly wis-dom, love most bright.
Drawn by thee, our souls as-pir-ing,
Soar to un-cre-a-ted light.
Word of God, our flesh that fash-ioned,
with the fire of life im-pass-ioned.
Striv-ing still to truth un-known,
Soar-ing, dy-ing, round thy throne.
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Classical Evergreens (1988)
Canon Adagio Cantabile Largo Ava Verum Corpus, K. 618 Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring Adagio in G minor Largo from "Winter" Aria and Largo Serenade No. 13 Adagio cantabile Minuet from Orpheus