
Great Day Lyrics

Great day !
Great day, the righteous marching
Great day
God's going to build up Zion's walls
Chariot rode on the mountain top
God's going to build up Zion's walls
My God spoke and the chariot stop
God's going to build up Zion's walls
This is the day of jubilee
God's going to build up Zion's walls
The Lord has set His people free
God's going to build up Zion's walls
We want no cowards in our band
God's going to build up Zion's walls
We call for valiant hearted men
God's going to build up Zion's walls
Going to take my breast-plate, sword and shield
God's going to build up Zion's walls
And march boldly in the field
God's going to build up Zion's walls
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Spirituals (1986)
I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray My Lord, What a Morning Do Lawd, Oh Do Lawd There's a Man Going Round Ev'ry Time I Feel de Spirit There Is a Balm in Gilead Gospel Train Great Day Mary Had a Baby Live A Humble Walk Together Children Were You There Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name Soon Ah Will Be Done Give Me Jesus