Gráda Letras

Cloudy Day Navigation
  1. Cooler at the Edge
  2. Twenty-One Foot Man: Twenty-One Foot Man / The Room Downstairs
  3. Fifty-Ninth Street: Natural Progression / Peggy on the Settle / Sligo Creek
  4. Red Civic
  5. Carousel of Life: Salthill Breeze / Carousel of Life
  6. The Queen and the Soldier
  7. Maria Letizia's: Maria Letizia's / Foot to the Pedal
  8. River
  9. Lazy Sunday Morning: Lazy Sunday Morning / Monday Morning Community Centre Meeting
  10. The Eighteenth of June
  11. The Gammel Dansk: The Torrid Romance / The Gammel Dansk / Crossing the Tay With a Blind Man and His Dog
  12. Steerer John Begg
  13. Snow Leopard
  14. River
  15. Lazy Sunday Morning
  16. Maria Letizia's
  17. Steerer John Begg
  18. Cathain
The Landing Step
  1. Tread Softly
  2. Go n'éirí an Bóthar Leat
  3. Isabelle
  4. Weight of the World
  5. Seven of Eight
  6. All in One Day
  7. The Back of Beyond
  8. Manuka Swing
  9. Shock On
  10. Dear Mary
  11. À L'Envers
  1. Cathain
  2. Pint of Reference
  3. Biodegrádable
  4. Swallow
  5. Anto's Gambit
  6. Diamantina Drover
  7. Madam I'm a Darling
  8. Out in Otaki
  9. Once Loved a Boy
  10. Snow Leopard
  11. Mini Minor
  12. Endeavour