GLAD Letras
- God Is My Rock
- Easter Song
- Mary, Mary
- Just As I Am
- The Solid Rock
- Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
- The Reason
- A Mighty Fortress
- Your Love Broke Through
- For Unto Us
- One Quiet Moment
- You Put This Love In My Heart
- This Is My Father's World/For the Beauty of the Earth
- Sing It a Cappella
- Be Thou My Vision
- Amen
- Arise, My Soul, Arise
- Doer of Your Word
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
- Love One Another
- God So Loved the World
- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
- Rock of Ages
- Crown Him With Many Crowns
- Be Ye Glad
- In the First Light
A Cappella Gershwin
- I Got Rhythm
- The Girl I Love
- Our Love Is Here to Stay
- Embraceable You
- The Gershwin Medley
- They All Laughed
- A Foggy Day
- Little Jazz Bird
- But Not for Me
- They Can't Take That Away From Me
- Someone to Watch Over Me
- Lead On, O King Eternal
- Beneath the Cross Medley
- This is My Father's World/For the Beauty
- Rock of Ages
- All Beauty Speaks of Thee
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God
- Thy Word Medley
- Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Immortal, Invisible
- Breathe on Me, Breath of God
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
- The Master Has Come/O Worship the King