GLAD Letras

Collector's Series
  1. God Is My Rock
  2. Easter Song
  3. Mary, Mary
  4. Just As I Am
  5. The Solid Rock
  6. Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
  7. The Reason
  8. A Mighty Fortress
  9. Your Love Broke Through
  10. For Unto Us
  11. One Quiet Moment
  12. You Put This Love In My Heart
  13. This Is My Father's World/For the Beauty of the Earth
  14. Sing It a Cappella
  15. Be Thou My Vision
  16. Amen
  17. Arise, My Soul, Arise
  18. Doer of Your Word
  19. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
  20. Love One Another
  21. God So Loved the World
  22. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
  23. Rock of Ages
  24. Crown Him With Many Crowns
  25. Be Ye Glad
  26. In the First Light
A Cappella Gershwin
  1. I Got Rhythm
  2. The Girl I Love
  3. Our Love Is Here to Stay
  4. Embraceable You
  5. The Gershwin Medley
  6. They All Laughed
  7. A Foggy Day
  8. Little Jazz Bird
  9. But Not for Me
  10. They Can't Take That Away From Me
  11. Someone to Watch Over Me
Color Outside the Lines
  1. God is On His Throne
  2. Faith Makes
  3. Color Outside the Lines
  4. Angels Dance
  5. Show the Way
  6. Fuel for the Fire
  7. If You Look
  8. Justice for All
  9. The One Who Loves Me Most
  10. Every Single One
Acapella Hymns
  1. Lead On, O King Eternal
  2. Beneath the Cross Medley
  3. This is My Father's World/For the Beauty
  4. Rock of Ages
  5. All Beauty Speaks of Thee
  6. I Sing the Mighty Power of God
  7. Thy Word Medley
  8. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
  9. Fairest Lord Jesus
  10. Immortal, Invisible
  11. Breathe on Me, Breath of God
  12. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
  13. The Master Has Come/O Worship the King