
Destructor Lyrics

From a race and place unknown
One ton of hair, teeth, muscle, and bone
The savage lord of a bygone age
A broken hulk on a carnival stage
The people screamed, the whip cracked
b***** lashes on his quivering back
A broken chain; pantaloons p*****
The sickening crunch of his pitiless fists
Through the murk of the stygian swamp
Came the sound of a thundering stomp
The wretched beast collapsed to the ground
As the Swamp Hag came to check on the sound
She gave him succor, she tended his wounds
He made a nest in a crumbling tomb
Every night he would come out to feast
Clawing at the graves of the newly deceased
[Solo Digestor]

The scent of blood perfumed the air
Into the catacombs
The monster lumbered, unaware
Spiked fist, iron claw
A sucker-punch to his powerful jaw
Clashing giants, thundering blows
Fermentor pitched in with a drum solo
Core breach; coolant aboil
Belching black smoke; vomiting oil
A mighty club to a cast iron hull
Transplanted brain liquified in its skull
System failure, tubes were blown
Two tons of steel dropped like a stone
Massive damage, Killbot was f*****
=Initiate sequence: Self Destruct=
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