French Kicks Letras

  1. Abandon
  2. Over the World
  3. Carried Away
  4. New Man
  5. Said So What
  6. Atlanta
  7. Love in the Ruins
  8. With the Fishes
  9. The Way You Arrive
  10. All Our Weekends
  11. This Could Go Wrong
Two Thousand
  1. So Far We Are
  2. Also Ran
  3. Cloche
  4. Knee High
  5. Keep It Amazed
  6. No Mean Time
  7. Basement: D.C.
  8. England Just Will Not Let You Recover
  9. Hey I Wait I
  10. Go On
One Time Bells
  1. Wrong Side
  2. When You Heard You
  3. Down Now
  4. Crying Just for Show
  5. Close to Modern
  6. 1985
  7. Right in Time
  8. Trying Whining
  9. One Time Bells
  10. Where We Went Off
  11. Sunday Night Is Fair