Forefather Letras
Curse of the Cwelled
Havoc on Holy Island
The Anvil
By My Lord I Will Lie
Fire of Baited Blood
Curse of the Cwelled
Awakened Hate
Painted with Blood
Rustics to Remain
Edge of Oblivion
Masters of Fate
The River-Maid's Fairwell
Last of the Line
Cometh the King
Last of the Line
Chorus of Steel
By Thy Deeds
Up High
Wolves of Prayer
Wyrda Gesceaft
Doomsday Dawns
Shadows of the Dead
Spears of Faith
The Downfallen
Into the Rising Sun
Cween of the Mark
Theodish Belief
Hallowed Halls
Three Great Ships
Fire From the Sky
Mellowing of the Mains
Wolfhead's Tree
Miri It Is
Ours Is the Kingdom
The Shield-Wall
Ours Is the Kingdom
Proud to Be Proud
The Golden Dragon
Smashed by Fate
The Sea-Kings
To the Mountains They Fled
The Folk That Time Forgot
Threads of Time
Keep Marching On
Rebel of the Marshlands
Engla Tocyme
Engla Tocyme
Into the Forever
Iron Hand
The Swan's Road
Forever in Chains
The Fate of Kings
The Fighting Man
The Fighting Man
A New Dawn
Together They Stood
For These Shores
The Call to Arms
Out of Darkness
The Paths of Yesterdays
The Last Battle
When Our England Died
Deep Into Time
Natural Chaos
Deep Into Time
Immortal Wisdom
Visions of Elders
Dusk to Dawn
Ancient Voice
The Ornamented Sword
The Wilde Dance
Beholding the Daughters of the Firmament
Summer's Flame
Ancient Voice
Cween of the Mark
For These Shores
Iron Hand
Keep Marching On
Ours Is the Kingdom
Smashed by Fate
The Fighting Man
The Folk That Time Forgot
The Golden Dragon
The Paths of Yesterdays
The Sea-Kings
The Shield-Wall
To the Mountains They Fled
Together They Stood
Visions of Elders
When Our England Died