
Mistakes of My Youth Lyrics

In the waning days ahead
I gotta look back down the road
I know that it's not too late
All the stupid things I said
The people I hurt and let down
Well I hope that it's not my fate

To keep defeating
my own self
And keep repeating

I can't keep defeating myself
I can't keep repeating the mistakes of my youth

In the dark of night I might
Be able to make myself think
that I'm still a younger man

But when the light of day shines down
There's no way to get around it
I am not a younger man
I keep defeating
my own self
And keep repeating

I can't keep defeating myself
I can't keep repeating the mistakes of my youth

The choice is mine for making
a better road ahead
The road that I've been taking
Heading for a dead end
But it's not too late to turn around

In the final moments I
hope that I know that I tried
To do the best I could

to stop defeating
my own self
and stop repeating yesterday

I can't keep defeating myself
I can't keep repeating
the mistakes of my youth
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The Cautionary Tales of Mark Oliver Everett (2014)
Where I'm At Parallels Lockdown Hurricane Agatha Chang A Swallow in the Sun Where I'm From Series of Misunderstandings Kindred Spirit Gentlemen's Choice Dead Reckoning Answers Mistakes of My Youth Where I'm Going To Dig It Lonesome Lockdown Hurricane Bow Out A Good Deal Good Morning Bright Eyes Millicent Don't Blame Yourself Thanks I Guess On the Ropes (Live WNYC) Accident Prone (Live WNYC) I'm Your Brave Little Soldier (Live WNYC) Fresh Feeling (Live KCRW) Trouble with Dreams (Live KCRW) Oh Well (Live KCRW)