
Vyperpunk Lyrics

Infecting the mainframe with all my rage
Fear and anger my heart shaped cage
The circuits scream louder as data flows
With every byte the volume grows
Press play just to hear it loud
and then feel it louder
scream out and keep moving on
like a viral process

Just giving me a VR-place
and kill me every time you want
keep loading s*** into my head
it makes me feel like an empty drone
Won't you die for this d*** cyber hell
My sick vyper hate is killing you
My fight goes on until you're nothing more
than a single string of code

Uploading my virus to make it scream loud
To detonate my bomb in the crowd
The hate loading process is moving on
Sending my rage with one megaton
Shut down and delete these worlds
that are full of programs
shut down and erase your code
you're a useless process
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Neuromance (2005)
10.000 Watts Infection 13 Platinum Girl Make a Star Vyperpunk Generation Plastic Rebel Riot Theta t**anium Self Destructive Corp. Plug'n'Die Defcon 5 Trance-Former C-Beams I'm Overdriven Kiss Right Here in My Arms 10.000 Watts (Funker Vogt remix) Vyperpunk (Deathstars remix) Make a Star Self Destructive Corp. (Midnight Mass remix by Mortiis) 10.000 Watts (Punto Omega remix) Generation Plastic (Carmilla remix) Make a Star (Maximegaton remix by High Level Static) 10.000 Watts (Flatline remix by Needleye) Make a Star (Esoterica remix) Plug'n'Die (Underwater Pilots remix) Make a Star (Panzer edit by Sundealers) Platinum Girl (Endraum remix) Infection 13 (DJMO feat. Stephanie Luzie remix) Generation Plastic (Decaydence remix by Pilori) Vyperpunk