
Right Here in My Arms Lyrics

She's smiling like heaven is down on earth
Sun is shining so bright it hurts
All her wishes have finally com true
Her heart is weeping. Happiness is killing her.
She'll be right here in my arms
So in Love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go
So hard she's trying
But her heart won't turn to stone... oh no
She keeps on crying
But I won't leave her alone
She'll never be alone
She'll be right here in my arms
So in Love
She'll be right here in these arms
She can't let go
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Neuromance (2005)
10.000 Watts Infection 13 Platinum Girl Make a Star Vyperpunk Generation Plastic Rebel Riot Theta t**anium Self Destructive Corp. Plug'n'Die Defcon 5 Trance-Former C-Beams I'm Overdriven Kiss Right Here in My Arms 10.000 Watts (Funker Vogt remix) Vyperpunk (Deathstars remix) Make a Star Self Destructive Corp. (Midnight Mass remix by Mortiis) 10.000 Watts (Punto Omega remix) Generation Plastic (Carmilla remix) Make a Star (Maximegaton remix by High Level Static) 10.000 Watts (Flatline remix by Needleye) Make a Star (Esoterica remix) Plug'n'Die (Underwater Pilots remix) Make a Star (Panzer edit by Sundealers) Platinum Girl (Endraum remix) Infection 13 (DJMO feat. Stephanie Luzie remix) Generation Plastic (Decaydence remix by Pilori) Vyperpunk