
Infection 13 Lyrics

Living another day in these plastic years
We are falling
What we are trying to save slowly disappears
Ah ah ah ah
Wires wires
Burn burn
Breath breath
Spark spark
Hi tech all over the world
infect all that you want
sleep all day, party all night
never grow old and never die
your life starts to corrode
hi tech cloning the world
sleep all day, party all night
never grow old and never die

Living one last day in these fading years
They are calling
What we tried to save already disappeared.
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Neuromance (2005)
10.000 Watts Infection 13 Platinum Girl Make a Star Vyperpunk Generation Plastic Rebel Riot Theta t**anium Self Destructive Corp. Plug'n'Die Defcon 5 Trance-Former C-Beams I'm Overdriven Kiss Right Here in My Arms 10.000 Watts (Funker Vogt remix) Vyperpunk (Deathstars remix) Make a Star Self Destructive Corp. (Midnight Mass remix by Mortiis) 10.000 Watts (Punto Omega remix) Generation Plastic (Carmilla remix) Make a Star (Maximegaton remix by High Level Static) 10.000 Watts (Flatline remix by Needleye) Make a Star (Esoterica remix) Plug'n'Die (Underwater Pilots remix) Make a Star (Panzer edit by Sundealers) Platinum Girl (Endraum remix) Infection 13 (DJMO feat. Stephanie Luzie remix) Generation Plastic (Decaydence remix by Pilori) Vyperpunk