
Change the Border Lyrics

Strange reflections of life
And what it ought to be
Hesitation to decide, what is right
I really doubt privileges and priorities
And I´m astounded
Disregard society
Caught in the act
Of being discontent and pale
Incoherent points of view - paranoid
I´d better nail my colours
To the mast if only I could
I´d accept any colour
If I should
March in a row
In perfect order
March on like a lamb
Into the arms of the slaughter
Change the border
Between the real and what might be
Change the border
To be free
Time is moving, brutally to eternity
Time is moving, like the waves to the shore
I gave it up to resisting
The wake of the stream
Now that I´m drowning
Wake me up from this dream
I wonder if
We can resist
To rape our minds
In ways like this?
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The Dying Race (2013)