Charlie Chaplin Letras
A música de Chaplin
Fox Trot
The Ballet of Bread Rolls
Clown's Apprentice
Secrets in Your Eyes
Non Sense Song
Wages and the Wife
The Spring Song
Dancing on Board Ship
The Clown's Last Crazy Act
A Dog's Life
A Huge Meal, Thanks to the Police
The Organ Waltz
Suite Chaplin: Non Sense Song / A Dog's Life / Love Song / Fox Trot / Debussy Music / Smile / The Great Dictator / Dancing on Board Ship / Charlie's Theme / Limelight
The Music of His Films
Modern Times
City Lights
It's a Dog's Life
Modern Times
A King in New York
The Great Dictator
The Pilgrim
The Comtess From Hong Kong
Soldier Arms
A King in New York
The Gold Rush