Best Friends! Letras

Hot. Reckless. Totally Insane.
  1. Fake Spit
  2. Holy Mountain
  3. Cold Shapes
  4. If You Think Too Much Your Brain Will Fall Out
  5. Nosebleeds
  6. Dr Mario
  7. Baba Vanga
  8. Happy Anniversary
  9. Shred Til You're Dead
  10. Orange Juice
Smaller Basements, Closer Friends!
  1. For the Kids
  2. Love Your Friends
  3. Our Song
  4. Smiles Are Contagious
  5. Peter and Craig
  6. The Best Ghost From Friends Town
  7. So Much Fun, No Regrets
  8. Scott, I Wish You Were Born a Girl
  9. Bear Hug Life
  10. The Best Friends Sing-a-Long Song