
Tristezza Lyrics

When i close my eyes
I can see in my dreams
You are alone
In this world
Every day i think
When i used to love you
now you are dead
now you are dead !

Let me love you now
Let me feel your lips
I am dead without you
without you
Lying on your grape
wating for you, awake
please, awake
please, awake

You close your eyes to your surprise
i come to you in your sleep
And far away you wish i stay
but i am still near
i am still near
She dressed in black
Alone she cry
Alone she is gone
Alone she is gone
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Toxicnology (2001)
Intro: Glamours Day Of Suicide Toxicnology Ettiene Indoustrial Messiah Mi sangre Je t'aime desolation La Bestia Souffrir Crimelinks Dunkelheit Depression Tristezza Trance la mort Raza de bronce Desolate Nazischwein PeneTration Kannibal Sueños Witchcraft Matador Hiden Track