Tycho Laulusõnad

  1. A Walk
  2. Hours
  3. Daydream
  4. Dive
  5. Coastal Brake
  6. Ascension
  7. Melanine
  8. Adrift
  9. Epigram
  10. Elegy
Past Is Prologue
  1. From Home
  2. Sunrise Projector
  3. Dictaphone's Lament
  4. PBS
  5. Send and Receive
  6. Brother
  7. A Circular Reeducation
  8. Past Is Prologue
  9. Cloud Generator
  10. The Disconnect
  11. A Circular Reeducation (Dusty Brown remix)
  12. Send and Receive (Chachi Jones remix)
  13. Sunrise Projector (Nautilis remix)