Thronar Laulusõnad
Unleash the Fire
Prelude to War
Shield to Shield
To Ride, Kill and Harvest
King of the Eburones
Hanibal ad Portas
The Old Condemned Immortal
Eating the Enemy
Final War (Unleash the Fire)
For Death and Glory
To Kill and Be King
Gift From the Gods
The Hunt for Vengeance
Crimnor Valora
Dainar's Last Rites
For Death and Glory
Screams of Thunder
Where Sword, Axe and Bow Strike Together
The Butcher's Bill
Grimnor Valora
Crimnor Valora
Dainar's Last Rites
Eating the Enemy
For Death and Glory
Gift From the Gods
Grimnor Valora
King of the Eburones
Screams of Thunder
Shield to Shield
The Butcher's Bill
The Hunt for Vengeance
To Kill and Be King
To Ride, Kill and Harvest
Where Sword, Axe and Bow Strike Together