Theudho Laulusõnad

Cult of Wuotan
  1. Zeitenwende
  2. Terror Cimbricus
  3. Thumelicus
  4. Harjaz
  5. Silence Reigned Over the Bog
  6. The Fall of Rome
  7. Veleda
  8. Ahnenkult
  9. Wuotanes Her
  10. Prophecies in Flames
  11. Ergriffenheit
The Völsunga Saga
  1. Varg í Veum
  2. Völsung
  3. The Blade of Odin
  4. Sinfjötli
  5. Sigurd Sigmundarson
  6. Uttergälden
  7. Gram
  8. The Journey to Lyngvi
  9. Fafnirs Blut
  10. Helreiđ Brynhildar
  11. Fall of the Niflungs
  12. Gudrun's Revenge