The Interior Castle Laulusõnad

A Child Shall Lead
  1. Joy to the World
  2. Silent Night, Holy Night
  3. A Child Shall Lead
  4. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
  5. Dormi, Dormi
  6. Away in a Manger
  7. Adeste Fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful)
  8. Mille Cherubini in Coro
  9. The Little Drummer Boy
  10. Ave Maria
  11. Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle
  12. O Holy Night
  13. A Child Shall Lead (African version)
  14. Hallelujah Chorus
  15. Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
Amazing Grace
  1. Amazing Grace
  2. Hail Mary: Gentle Woman
  3. Canon in D
  4. This Heart Is Closed
  5. Nome Dolcissimo
  6. Sanctus
  7. What Kind of Love Is This
  8. How Great Thou Art
  9. Father Forgive Them
  10. Ave Maria
  11. You
  12. In Principio (In the Beginning)
  13. I Am With You Always