Tenor Saw Laulusõnad

  1. Lots of Sign
  2. Shirley Jones
  3. Pumpkin Belly
  4. Eni Meeni Mini Mo
  5. Roll Call
  6. Fever
  7. Jah Guide and Protect Me
  8. Rub-A-Dub Market
  9. Run Come Call Me
  10. Who's Gonna Help Me Praise
  11. Shirley Dub
  12. Run Come Dub Me
  13. Lots of Dub
  14. Jah Guide Dub
  15. Rub-a-Dub Dub
  16. Dub Fever
  17. Eni Meeni Mini Mo Dub
  18. Praise Jah with Dub