Robbie Basho Laulusõnad

Rainbow Thunder - Songs of the American West
  1. Redwood Ramble
  2. Crashing Thunder
  3. Moving Up A'Ways
  4. Legend Of Mount Tamalpais
  5. Rainbow Thunder
  6. The Pathfinder
  7. The White Buffalo
  8. Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
  9. Home Again
  10. The Long Lullaby
  11. Black Hills Soliloquy
Rainbow Thunder: Songs of the American West
  1. . Redwood Ramble
  2. Crashing Thunder
  3. Moving Up a'Ways
  4. Legend of Mount Tamalpias
  5. Rainbow Thunder
  6. The Pathfinder
  7. The White Buffalo
  8. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
  9. Home Again
  10. The Long Lullaby
  11. Black Hills Sololoquy
Visions of the Country
  1. Green River Suite
  2. Rodeo
  3. Rocky Mountain Raga
  4. Variations on Easter
  5. Blue Crystal Fire
  6. Orphan's Lament
  7. Leaf in the Wind
  8. Night Way
  9. Elk Dreamer's Lament
  10. Call on the Wind
The Voice of the Eagle
  1. Voice of the Eagle
  2. Wounded Knee Soliloquy
  3. Blue Corn Serende
  4. Joseph
  5. Omaha Tribal Prayer
  6. Sweet Medicine
  7. Roses and Gold
  8. Moving Up a Ways