Peter Sarstedt Laulusõnad

The Lost Album
  1. A Way Leading Out
  2. I Need Her
  3. Rain
  4. Margueritte
  5. Weaver, Weave Me a Coat
  6. Jethro
  7. Another Day
  8. John Coltrane
  9. Plain Chick
  10. Muscle Twitch
  11. It's a Road
  12. Walk Down Real Streets
  13. Hollywood Sign
  14. Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)
Peter Sarstedt / As Though It Were a Movie
  1. I Am a Cathedral
  2. Sons of Cain Are Abel
  3. No More Lollipops
  4. Stay Within Myself
  5. You Are My Life
  6. Sayonara
  7. Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)
  8. Blagged
  9. My Daddy Is a Millionaire
  10. Once Upon and Everyday
  11. Mary Jane
  12. Time Was Leading Us Home
  13. Many Coloured Semi Precious Plastic Easter Egg
  14. Time, Love, Hope, Life
  15. Overture
  16. As Though It Was a Movie
  17. Open a Tin
  18. Step Into the Candlelight
  19. Take Off Your Clothes
  20. Letter to a Friend & Intermission
  21. Overture
  22. Boulevard
  23. The Sunshine Is Expensive
  24. The Artist
  25. The Friendship Song (Hey Nena)
  26. Juan
  27. I'm a Good Boy
  28. National Anthem & Doors Close at 10.45pm
  29. Frozen Orange Juice
  30. Aretusa Loser
Where Do You Go to My Lovely?
  1. I Am a Cathedral
  2. Sons of Cain Are Abel
  3. Stay Within Myself
  4. You Are My Life
  5. Sayonara
  6. Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)
  7. Blagged!
  8. My Daddy Is a Millionaire
  9. Once Upon an Everyday
  10. Time Was Leading Us Home
  11. Many Coloured Semi Precious Plastic Easter Eggs
  12. Time, Love, Hope, Life
As Though It Were a Movie
  1. Overture
  2. As Though It Was a Movie
  3. Open a Tin
  4. Step Into the Candlelight
  5. Take Off Your Clothes
  6. Letter to a Friend & Intermission
  7. Overture
  8. Boulevard
  9. The Sunshine Is Expensive
  10. The Artist
  11. The Friendship Song (Hey Nena)
  12. Juan
  13. I'm a Good Boy
  14. National Anthem & Doors Close at 10.45pm