Ottmar Liebert Laulusõnad

Nouveau Flamenco: 1990-2000 Special Tenth Anniversary Edition
  1. Surrender 2 Love
  2. Santa Fe
  3. Barcelona Nights
  4. Flowers of Romance
  5. 3 Women Walking
  6. 2 the Night
  7. Lonely Hours
  8. Road 2 Her / Home
  9. Passing Storm
  10. Surrender II
  11. After the Rain
  12. Heart Sill / Beating
  13. Morning Sky
  14. Moon Over Trees
  15. Waiting 4 Stars 2 Fall
  16. La Memoria / Shadows
  17. Sudden Shadows
  18. Under Blue Moon
Nouveau Flamenco
  1. Barcelona Nights
  2. Heart Still/Beating (4 Berlin)
  3. 3 Women Walking
  4. 2 the Night (Fast Cars/4 Frank)
  5. Passing Storm
  6. Santa Fe
  7. Surrender 2 Love
  8. Waiting 4 Stars 2 Fall
  9. Road 2 Her/Home (Bulerias)
  10. After the Rain
  11. Flowers of Romance (4 Bok Yun)
  12. Moon Over Trees
  13. Shadows