Oliver Shanti & Friends Laulusõnad
- L'amour Magica Amor
- Paix pour l'Algerie
- Kais Wa Leila
- El Futuro de la Alhambra
- El Flamenco del Rumi
- Nina Piensa en Ti
- Gitara Compassion e Paco
- Aime Moi (Baila Mi Amor)
- Glorio para el Pacifico Dios
- L'amour Sufi l'amour Sufi Amor
- Shah Dshahan e Princesa Momtaz
- Ninos Amel Aftal
- Alhambra Trance Flamenco
- Sahid Ghilani Priere
- Slow Changes
- Medicine Power Men
- Shamboo Wokantonka
- Navajo Prayer Song
- White Bear's Medicine Dance
- Eagle Wabun Medicine Dance
- Red Indian's Right to Live
- Golden Eagle's Soaring Dance
- Choctaw Shadownese Song
- Mother Earth's Tartaruga Song
- The Mudjekeewis Flute Song
- Hinayana Vision
- Medicine Energy Pow Wow
- Medicine Spirit Shine On
- Nuur El Ab
- Onón Mweng (Rainbird)
- Allah Akbar
- Olugu Zamba
- Wise
- Seven Times Seven - Govinda
- M-Fie Nti One Biaa
- Al Atfaal
- Santo Cristo Del Angeli
- Radha Raman
- Simplement L'Amour
- L'Ultime Arbre (The Tree)
- Journey to Shambala
- Legend of a White Stupa
- Sacral Nirvana
- Donnovan My Timeless Cosmic Friend
- Gathering in Tara's Tea House
- Tichinabet 2222
- Luohan Amitabha's Hands
- Spring in Lhasa
- Tara Shakti Mantra
- Autumn in Beijing
- Shanga's Love for Amitabha
- Rinpoches of Ladakh
- Boddhisattva Land
- Sacral Nirvana (long version)
- Well Balanced
- Indian Ceremony
- Fight Without Fear
- You Can Hear Them Dancing
- Heya Heya
- Axtú Leman Sumix Sacred Mountain
- Four Circles Of Life
- We Could Have Been Brothers
- Chief White Bears Trance Dance
- Wilderness
- Amitabha
- Medicine Man's Other Room