

Ein K'Elokeinu

En kelokenu, en kadonenu,
en kemalkenu, en kemoshi`enu,
mi chelokenu, mi chadonenu,
mi chemalkenu, mi chemoshi`enu,
nodeh lelokenu, nodeh ladonenu,
nodeh lemalkenu, nodeh lemoshi`enu,
baruch Elokenu, baruch Adonenu,
baruch Malkenu, baruch Moshi`enu.
Atah hu EloKenu, atah hu Adonenu,
atah hu Malkenu, atah hu Moshi`enu.
There is none like our God, there is none like our Lord,
there is none like our King,there is none like our Saviour.
Who is like our God? Who is like our Lord?
who is like our King? Who is like our Saviour?
Let us thank our God, let us thank our Lord,
let us thank our King, let us thank our Saviour.

Blessed be our God, blessed be our Lord,
blessed be our King, blessed be our Saviour.

You are our God, You are our Lord,
You are our King, You are our Saviour.
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