Nachtfalke Laulusõnad

Following the Wanderers Path
  1. Call of the Gjallarhorn
  2. My Skin Is Bark
  3. Amidst Ancient Forests
  4. To Stars High Above
  5. As a Falcon Through the Night
  6. The Woodwomen
  7. Calm Before the Storm
  8. Halls of Hel
  9. Beyond the Fire
  10. Dawn of a New Age
First Battles
  1. Ode to the Fallen One
  2. Searched and Found
  3. Asgard Riders
  4. War in Asgard
  5. Man of Iron
  6. Warrior's Nightmare
  7. Vikingdance (Under the Flag of Odin's Son)
  8. To Honour Wotan
  9. Nordic Warriors
  10. Hail Teutonia
  11. You're So Wrong
  12. Valhalla
  13. Pestkrieg
  14. Home of Once Brave
  15. Fallen Heroes
  16. Einherjer (Doomed to Die)
  17. The Windlords
  18. Ragnarok
  19. Berserker
  20. Immortal Home
  21. Men From North
  22. Land of Frost
  23. Transilvanian Hunger
As the Wolves Died
  1. Call From Udgaard
  2. Wrath of Old Gods
  3. Let Me Die
  4. Praise the War
  5. Midsummer
  6. When the Wolves Return
  7. Blood and Iron
  8. Hail the Old Gods
Land of Frost
  1. The Windlords
  2. Ragnarök
  3. Berserker
  4. Immortal Home
  5. Men From North
  6. Land of Frost
  7. Intro
  8. Ode to the Fallen One
  9. Warrior's Nightmare I
  10. Warrior's Nightmare II
  11. Odin
  12. Asgard Riders (outro)
Doomed to Die
  1. Valhall
  2. Pestkrieg
  3. One Home of Once Brave
  4. Fallen Heroes
  5. Einherjer (Doomed to Die)
Hail Victory Teutonia
  1. Ode to the Fallen One
  2. Searched and Found
  3. Asgard Riders
  4. War in Asgard
  5. Man of Iron
  6. Warriors Nightmare
  7. Vikingdance (Under the Flag of Odin's Son)
  8. To Honour Wotan
  9. Nordic Warriors
  10. Hail Teutonia
  11. You're So Wrong