Lawnmower Deth Laulusõnad
Somebody, Call Me a Taxi
I Need to Be Your Main Squeeze
Do You Wanna Be a Chuffed Core?
Buddy Holly Never Wrote a Song Called We're Too Punk
Up the Junction
If It Was Grey You'd Say It's Black
Stomach Gout / I Narcissus
Kids in America (93)
March of the Dweebs
A Funny Thing About It Is
Purple Haze
Return of the Fabulous Metal Bozo Clowns
The Return of the Fabulous Metal Bozo Clowns
Jaggered Wedge
Bad Toad
Drunk in Charge of an Ugly Face
Paranoid Polaroid
Frash for Cash
Crazy Horses
Enter Mr. Formica (Icky Ficky, Part II)
Lawnmowers for the Heroes, Comics for Zeroes
Urban Surfer 125
Sorrow (So Dark, So Scared)
Goldfish Podge
R.F. Potts
Wormy Eyes
Be Scene, Not Heard
Egg Sandwich
Anyone for Tinnies
King of the Pharaohs
Illinois Enema Bandit
Ooh Crikey It's... Lawnmower Deth
Spook Perv Happenings in the Snooker Hall
Betty Ford's Clinic
Weebles Wobble but They Don't Fall Down
Lancer With Your Zancer
Flying Killer Cobs From the Planet Bob
Did You Spill My Pint?
Rad Dude
Sumo Rabbit and His Inescapeable Trap of Doom
Maim Mower, Maim
Cobwoman of Deth Meets Mr SmellyMop
Got No Legs? Don't Come Crawling to Me
Icky Ficky
Ooh Crikey
Satan's Trampoline
Dodo Doe
Duck Off
F.A.T. (Facist and Tubby)
Stress (Temple Tension mix)
Got No Legs? Don't Come Crawling to Me (live)
Spook Perv Happenings in the Snooker Hall (live)
Sumo Rabbit and His Inescapeable Trap of Doom (live)
Weebles Wobble (live)
Dodo Doe (live)
F.A.T. (Facist and Tubby) (live)
Seventh Church (live)
Kids in America
Seventh Church of the Apocalyptic Lawnmower
Betty Ford's Clinic
Did You Spill My Pint?
Duck Off
F.A.T. (Facist and Tubby)
Flying Killer Cobs From the Planet Bob
Icky Ficky
Kids in America
Kids in America (93)
Lancer With Your Zancer
Maim Mower, Maim
Purple Haze
Rad Dude
Satan's Trampoline
Seventh Church of the Apocalyptic Lawnmower
Spook Perv Happenings in the Snooker Hall
Up the Junction
Urban Surfer 125
Weebles Wobble but They Don't Fall Down