Instalok Laulusõnad

League of Legends Parodies, Volume 4
  1. Gnar
  2. Who Will Rise?
  3. Racecar Veigar
  4. Clearing Their Wards Out
  5. Play It Out
  6. Charging In to Fight
  7. This Is How We Lose
  8. Dunkmaster Darius
  9. Stand Behind
  10. Fiddle
  11. Pantheon
  12. Noob
League of Legends Parodies, Volume 5
  1. Filthy Casuals
  2. We Got a New Map
  3. Jungle Gragas
  4. Trust in Me
  5. Hide From Rek'Sai
  6. Buckshot
  7. In Love With Teemo
  8. Use Your CC
  9. Don't Let Me Down
  10. Balance Overkill
  11. Cosmic Bind
  12. Doom Bots
League of Legends Parodies, Volume 3
  1. Yasuo
  2. Pick Anyone
  3. Yordle
  4. Excuses
  5. Tanky
  6. Carrying
  7. 4v5
  8. Queueing Up
  9. Elo Hell
  10. Playing Teemo Again (Teemo Cypher 2014)
  11. Duo
League of Legends Parodies, Volume 1
  1. AP Shaco Pentakill
  2. Get LP
  3. Out of Sight
  4. Baron's Gone (Cup Song)
  5. Using My Active
  6. Server's Down
  7. Bronze V
  8. AD Carry Maokai
  9. Best Lane Ever
  10. I Won't Give Up
  11. Thresh Hook (Top Lane Thresh)
  12. What Does Teemo Say?
League of Legends Parodies, Volume 2
  1. We Are the Supports
  2. Cypher (2013)
  3. Win the Fight (GP10 Karthus)
  4. Kill and Run
  5. Solo Queue
  7. Camping Hard
  8. Nerf
  9. Season 4
  10. Snowdown Skins
  11. Take Cover
  12. How AP Rengar Got Fed