Gloria Morti Laulusõnad

Lateral Constraint
  1. Lex Parsimoniae
  2. The First Act
  3. Our God Is War
  4. Aesthetics of Self-Hyperbole
  5. Sleep, Kill, Regress, Follow
  6. Hallucinations
  7. Slaves
  8. Non-Believer
  9. The Divine Is a Fraud
  10. Conclusion
Anthems of Annihilation
  1. Prelude
  2. Solution Called War
  3. Awakening of a Discordant Machine
  4. Infiltration
  5. Swallowed by Defeat
  6. Obey
  7. Cut From Gaia
  8. The Final Framework
  9. Redemption
  10. Chaos Archetype
Lifestream Corrosion
  1. Xanadu
  2. Ephemeral Lifespan
  3. The EnNightenment
  4. The Suffering of the Lambs
  5. Pulchritude of Rotting
  6. In Their Dreaded Howling
  7. The Orphanage
  8. Abattoir
  9. Cliffs of Geburah