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More Songs of the Ungrateful Living
  1. What It's Like (live acoustic)
  2. Saving Grace (live acoustic)
  3. White Trash Beautiful (live acoustic)
  4. Everyone Respects the Gun
  5. Final Trumpet
  6. Black Coffee (live acoustic)
  7. Long Time (live acoustic)
Eat at Whitey's
  1. Whitey
  2. Black Jesus
  3. I Can't Move
  4. Black Coffee
  5. Babylon Feeling
  6. Children's Story
  7. Love for Real
  8. One and the Same
  9. We're All Gonna Die
  10. Mercy on My Soul
  11. One, Two
  12. Graves to Dig
  13. Put Your Lights On
Whitey Ford Sings the Blues
  1. The White Boy Is Back
  2. Money (Dollar Bill)
  3. Ends
  4. What It's Like
  5. Get Down
  6. Sen Dog
  7. Tired
  8. Hot to Death
  9. Painkillers
  10. Prince Paul
  11. Praise the Lord
  12. Today (Watch Me Shine)
  13. Guru
  14. Death Comes Callin'
  15. Funky Beat
  16. The Letter
  17. 7 Years
  18. Next Man