Disgorge Laulusõnad

  1. Spasmobliterance Filtrates Scabs
  2. Scid
  3. Urethrive Decortico-Xanthomatose Muco Gestated Scaffolds
  4. Jaundice of Hookworm
  5. Haemorph Endarteriectomized Punzed Eozinophille
  6. Purpuric Cytoskeletal Glucid Oxidase
  7. Crevice Flux Warts
  8. Depths Carmesí
Cranial Impalement
  1. Deranged Epidemic
  2. Atonement
  3. Period of Agony
  4. Cranial Impalement
  5. Penetrate the Unfledged
  6. Malodorous Oblation
  7. Carnally Decimated
  8. Outro