Cripple Bastards Laulusõnad

Frammenti di vita
  1. Misogynists
  2. Le regole
  3. Solo odio
  4. Asfalto
  5. Violence at the Morgue
  6. Sguardo realtà
  7. Qualcosa scompare
  8. Tutto uguale
  9. Mater tenebrarum
  10. Factory
  11. Mai capirai
  12. Claustrophobic Autogamic
  13. Finirà mai
  14. Asociale oi!
  15. Polizia una razza da estinguere
  16. Italia di merda
Desperately Insensitive
  1. Fear in the Squats of the Dead
  2. When Immunities Fall
  3. Cardboard
  4. Intravenous Love-drip
  5. Odio a prima vista
  6. Bomb ABC No Rio
  7. The Mushroom Diarrhoea
  8. Rak Ne Prestaje
  9. Desperately Insensitive
  10. Me & Her in a Microcosm of Torture
  11. Jurisdictions
  12. Time of the Vultures
  13. Idiots Think Slower
  14. I Hate Her
  15. Inside Out
  16. Being Ripped Off in 2002
  17. Respect or Death
  18. Partner della convenienza
Your Lies in Check
  1. Being Ripped Off
  2. Without a Shadow of Justice
  3. Prejudices and Walls
  4. Images of War / Images of Pain
  5. Imposed Mortification
  6. Prospettive limitate
  7. Intelligence Means...
  8. Disagreeable Selections
  9. Caught in Your Silence
  10. Prisons
  11. Irenic
  12. September, 18th 1993
  13. A dispetto della discrezione
  14. Watching Through My Chaos
  15. Newscast Slave
  16. Round Table
  17. Italia di merda
  18. The Outside World
  19. My Mind Invades
  20. Danas Je Dan Za Lijencine
  21. More Frustrations
  22. Stimmung
  23. Ghiacciaio
  24. What I Thought
  25. Negative Fractures
  26. Ratings
  27. Paranoiac
  28. Frightened/Neglected
  29. 1974
  30. Milicija Die
  31. Walk Away
  32. Nichilismo ampliato
  33. Vital Dreams
  34. Blue Penguins
  35. Bonds of Enmity
  36. Ragman
  37. Windows
  38. Rending Aphthous Fevers
  39. Bane
  40. Living Monuments
  41. War Spoils
  42. We Can Work It Out
  43. Self-Justice Punks
  44. Incorporated Grave
  45. The Last Shipwrecked
  46. Intransigent Simpathy
  47. Polizia, una razza da estinguere
  48. Cormorant
  49. Life in General
  50. Hydrophobic Web
  51. Padroni
  52. Useful/Useless
  53. More Restrictions. Why?
  54. Miniaturized Eden
  55. Something Wrong
  56. 21st Century Schizoid Man
  57. Devozioni?
  58. Nothing on Earth
  59. Invito alla riservatezza/
  60. Come é falso Dio
  61. Radije Volim...
  62. S.L.U.T.S.
  63. Grimcorpses
  64. Offensive Death
  65. My Serenity/
  66. Dealing With a Pressing Problem
  67. Necrospore