Cousin Boneless Laulusõnad

Trash Masquerade
  1. Dance Macabre
  2. Algorhythm
  3. Cast Away Starring Tom Hanks
  4. Blocked Chakras
  5. Dagger's Path
  6. Douse
  7. Obdurate Misanthropy
  8. We Are All Going To Die
  9. Postdiluvian Triumph
Broken Glass Party
  1. That Neck of the Woods
  2. Embrace The Stain
  3. The Admiral
  4. *Sleep
  5. Mirage
  6. A Pretty Song for Ugly People
  7. *Stifled Sermon
  8. End Is Nigh
  9. Trees
  10. Angry Gods
  11. The Storm Before the Calm
  12. Blurred Vison
  13. Psychonautic Attack
  14. Love Machine