Ceolbeg Laulusõnad

Not the Bunnyhop
  1. The Big Parcel / Not the Bunnyhop
  2. Queen of Argyll
  3. Tam Billy's Jig / Archie Beag and Calum Mor / Miss Donella Beaton
  4. The High and Mighty
  5. Arthur Gillies
  6. Farewell Tae the Haven
  7. It Was Long Ago / The Three-wheeled rabbit / My Lass has a lovely red schleppack
  8. The Deil's Awa Wi' the Exciseman / The Seagull
  9. The Soft Horse Reel / Pumpkin's Fancy / Snug in a blanket
  10. Otago River / Iain Ghlinn Cuaich / The Shores of Loch Bea