Black Randy & the Metrosquad Laulusõnad
Pass the Dust, I Think I'm Bowie
I Slept in an Arcade
Marlon Brando
I Tell Lies Everyday
Down at the Laundrymat
I Wanna Be a Nark
Give It Up or Turnit a Loose
Idi Amin
Barefootin' on the Wicket Picket
San Francisco
Tellin' Lies
Say It Loud -- I'm Black and I'm Proud
(Theme From) Shaft
Last Stop on the Express
Trouble at the Cup
Green Frog Excerpts
Theme From Scorpio
Beershit/Disco Loner
Barefootin' on the Wicket Picket
I Slept in an Arcade
I Tell Lies Everyday
I Wanna Be a Nark
Idi Amin
Marlon Brando
San Francisco