""In my Father's house
are many mansions.
you shall stay and bleed
for two thousand years.""
Round the corner there will wait
A brand New road or a secret gate.
Where you can find your very self
Will be your blessed new motherland
While their poor God's asleep
We will breach, sneak and seep
Infecting festered holy lands
Deflorating virgin desert sands
You'll not bleed I swear
And You know that I lie again
Return to your beloved
father's mansions forever
Black King's on the rise
Revelations demonize
Black King's on the rise
Demons in disguise
Ultimate disglorify
You can not stop what you did not start
Slaying people as they pray to God
Pray to God!
~solo 1~
Send us your brutal genocide
Rise of black king , more suicides
Destruction time of the mankind
Black king's on the rise
Wild eyes seek targets side by side
Immortal ones will never hide
Seeds of hatred sowed by the night
Black king's on the rise
Thus the world cries
Black king on the rise
Servants paralysed
Black king's on the rise
Sceptical source of His darkness
Disciples of pious madness
Once Waiting for Saviour's birth
But now Black King reigns the earth
~solo 2~
""In my Father's house
are many mansions.
you shall stay and bleed
for two thousand years.""
Round the corner there will wait
A brand New road or a secret gate.
Where you can find your very self
Will be your blessed new motherland
While their poor God's asleep
We will breach, sneak and seep
Infecting festered holy lands
Deflorating virgin desert sands
You'll not bleed I swear
And You know that I lie again
Return to your beloved
father's mansions forever
Black King's on the rise
Revelations demonize
Black King's on the rise
Demons in disguise
Ultimate disglorify
You can not stop what you did not start
Slaying people as they pray to God
Pray to God!
~solo 1~
Send us your brutal genocide
Rise of black king , more suicides
Destruction time of the mankind
Black king's on the rise
Wild eyes seek targets side by side
Immortal ones will never hide
Seeds of hatred sowed by the night
Black king's on the rise
Thus the world cries
Black king on the rise
Servants paralysed
Black king's on the rise
Sceptical source of His darkness
Disciples of pious madness
Once Waiting for Saviour's birth
But now Black King reigns the earth
~solo 2~