Beautiful Eulogy Laulusõnad

Instruments of Mercy
  1. Cello From Portland
  2. Vital Lens
  3. Exile Dial Tone
  4. The Size of Sin
  5. You Can Save Me
  6. Instruments of Mercy
  7. Symbols and Signs
  8. Blessed Are the Merciful
  9. Release Me From This Snare
  10. Organized Religion
  11. According to God
  12. Raise the Bridge
  13. The Size of Grace
  14. Acquired in Heaven
Satellite Kite
  1. Hello From Portland
  2. An Open Letter To Whoever's Listening
  3. Covet
  4. Take It Easy
  5. The String That Ties Us
  6. Entitlement
  7. Anchor
  8. Satellite Kite
  9. Wonderful
  10. Motive 1, 2
  11. A Bridge Between
  12. Surrender
  13. Beautiful Eulogy