Aslan Faction Laulusõnad

Sin-Drome of Separation
  1. Hell on Earth
  2. Soul Obstruction
  3. Event Decay
  4. Tight Grip
  5. Weep for Me
  6. Event Decay (Feindflug remix)
  7. Soul Obstruction (Dioxyde remix)
  8. Hell on Earth (davaNtage remix)
  9. Tight Grip (Slaave Desolation remix)
  10. Hell on Earth (Retrosic remix)
  11. Complication (C-Drone-Defect remix)
  12. Hell on Earth (Weapons Grade edit)
Blunt Force Trauma
  1. Complication
  2. Blunt Force Trauma
  3. Resurrection
  4. Blood Letting
  5. Forced Bleeding
  6. Contagion Flow
  7. Bring on the Dying
  8. Flesh Trader
  9. Deception
  10. Shocked Thoroughfare
  11. Death March
  12. DNA Download